Thursday, December 1, 2016

Book Bag Projects!

Book Bag Projects

We have shared our book bag projects.  Students went OVER the top creating in depth summarizes of their novels.  There were many creative handmade objects to share that described the characters, plot and setting of each individual book.  We took great pride in our PUBLIC speaking- using good voice, eye contact and responding to student questions. Thank you for all your support at home. What a great way to share some great books students are reading with their peers. 

We then held a BOOK Bag MUSEUM yesterday. Students got to take time to see each project a little more closely. We also shared our thoughts and comments with each student by writing each of our classmates a special sticky note.   Please ask your son/daughter more about our event!  
Thank you for taking the time to view our blog. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Hour of CODE


On Thursday, December 8th-- 5:30-7:30 Coder Express will be held at PC

In preparation for this amazing event- Mr. Chaltray joined our class in introducing the website that allows student to write their own codes- while participating in creative CODE writing activities.  Ask your son/daughter about experiences we had in class today!  

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Realistic Fiction!

What a beautiful classroom this afternoon! Students are quietly conferencing, editing and publishing their REALISTIC FICTION writing. 

We began with imagining stories from small moments to those we wish existed in the world. We developed believable characters- with great external and internal characteristics.  We planned our characters struggles, motivations and attempts to get what they want. Next, we plotted with a story arc- or story MOUNTAIN.

During our drafting we focused on "showing- not telling" our scenes. We studied published texts to write our leads and introductions.  We oriented our readers with the setting and wrote powerful endings. 

We are now working on taking it to the next level- after conferencing and editing, we are PUBLISHING our pieces. 

I wanted to capture this moment to share with you all! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Special Letters of Thanks- for our VETERANS

  • Today we made letters of appreciation and thanks for the Veterans at the Scarborough Veterans Home.  

  • They will be delivered Friday by PC Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Marsden.  

  • Students watched a video on two holidays honoring those who have served- Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. 

Below are some photos of the special cards and students working hard to make this day special for the Veteran's in Maine. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sights at the Maine State Museum in Augusta

Ice Harvesting

  Maine's Natural Resources

Ship Building

Moosehead Lake

Rocks, Minerals and Gems